Topic 3

Topic 1: American Literature After The Civil War

Topic 2: W.E.B. Du Bois And Effective Arguments

Topic 3: Logical Fallacies And The Progressive Era

Topic 4: Writing An Argumentative Essay

Topic 5: Modernism (Part 1)

Topic 6: Modernism (Part 2)

Topic 7: Identifying The Speaker In Modernist Poetry

Topic 8: The Lost Generation

Topic 9: The Southern Renaissance

Topic 10: The Harlem Renaissance

Topic 11: Postmodernism

Topic 12: Civil Rights And Multicultural America

1. Define a logical fallacy?

Argument sound convincing/true but is flawed.

2. Can you identify the major logical fallacies?

Slippery slope, ad hominem, appeal to authority, tradition, emotion, strawman.

3. What is the difference between a formal and informal logical fallacy?

Formal Fallacies: mistakes that derive from problems in the connection of premises and conclusions.
Informal Fallacies: Relate to the relevance of new information introduced or the misuse of language and evidence. cause by the content or context of an argument

4. Can you identify what the STAR criteria stands for when evaluating whether evidence is appropriate?

Sufficiency, Typicality, Accuracy, Relevance.

5. Can you identify the elements of the Toulmin model for argument analysis and state their function?

claim: statement/opinion writer is convincing to audience.
Grounds: facts/reasoning (justify-claim)
Warrant: link grounds to claim.
Backing: additional support to claim/ addressing different questions related to claim.
qualifier: understanding claim not true in all situations
rebuttal: author addresses opposing views

6. What were investigative journalists during the Progressive Era called?

Muckrakers: journalists/novelists expose corruption in big business/government.

7. What did journalist and photographer Jacob Riis expose in his book How the Other Half Lives?

the slums of New York “other half” immigrants, disease, abuse

8. What problems did Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle expose?

expose bad working conditions in meat-packing industry

9. What are verbals?

verbs that appear as nouns, adjectives, adverbs

10. What is the difference between a gerund and a participle?

gerunds: words formed from verbs/ used as nouns, always ending in -ing
participles: words created from verbs that can be used as adjectives/adverbial phrases, -ing

11. What are appositives?

restates the noun next to it with more info